Evelia Salazar Figure Competitor

Official Website of Evelia Salazar Fitness Competitor from Houston, Texas

The Women's Tri-Fitness in Vegas

Words cannot begin to describe how I felt on July 9, 2010 at the Women’s Tri-Fitness in Vegas! I gazed across the room at the other competitors than I turned, looked in the mirror and said, "I AM A FIGURE COMPETITOR!" It was such a magnificent moment; I could not believe that I had thought about giving up.

Octane all in one energy drinkI had trained all year and it was about 2 weeks out from the competition, I did not look anything like a figure competitor. The last thing I wanted was to give up but I was tired of trying so hard and not seeing the results! I was at a breaking point! However, a friend mentioned that she knew someone that could help, his name is Terry. I said why not, I have nothing to loose, so we met on Sunday, June 27, 2010, and that was the start of my transformation!

Moomiyo Russia's Black Gold for Muscle repair and recovery Terry had me start immediately on Octane and Moomiyo, which I took every morning and evening before my workouts. I kid you not when I say the combination of Octane & Moomiyo is completely electrifying. During my full body workouts, I felt energetic, focused, and ready to conquer. Yes! I had to train every part of my body to make up for the lost time in a matter of basically, two weeks! I started training on Monday, June 28, 2010. I trained hard every morning at 6am for 45 minutes of cardio on the stair-master and 1 hour of weight training every evening at 7pm. I focused on my abs, oblique and lower back but also worked on my quads, hamstrings, upper back, shoulders and arms. That was extreme! But, so is Octane & Moomiyo! Just take a look at my before and after shots, decreased body fat, increased lean muscle and I did not look depleted or weak due to the vitamins & minerals in Octane. I felt strong and spirited, never sore or stressed thanks to Moomiyo. I was ecstatic everyday when I looked in the mirror and could see the vivid changes in my physic. I took Octane, Moomiyo, ate clean and trained hard everyday. So Yes, in less than 2 weeks, I achieved what so many thought would be impossible!

Napoleon Hill says it all "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve".



I encourage everyone to checkout ProSport Nutrition. They have amazing products designed specifically for fitness competitors like myself and anyone seeking a more healthy and active lifestyle.

Octane and Moomiyo Before and After Photos

The following photos are me before and after.
Just goes to show what Octane plus Moomiyo can do in 2 weeks.
Fitness Competitor photo before Octane Energy Drink and Moomiyo Fitness Competitor progress photo using Octane Energy Drink and Moomiyo Fitness Competitor photo after Octane Energy Drink and Moomiyo for 2 weeks
June 27, 2010
Before Photo
July 3, 2010
Progress Photo
July 9, 2010
After Photo in Vegas

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